Overview of Fundamental Wastewater Treatment Methods: Introduction to Three Key Techniques-Kelly Chemical Electronics Kelly Chemical Electronics
Overview of Fundamental Wastewater Treatment Methods: Introduction to Three Key Techniques

Overview of Basic Wastewater Treatment Methods


The commonly used methods for wastewater treatment can be broadly categorized into physical, chemical, and biological methods.



▲ Physical and chemical methods are commonly used as the initial treatment in general wastewater treatment processes


Physical Methods


These methods involve separation and recovery of insoluble suspended solids from wastewater through physical processes without altering their chemical properties. They are simple to operate and include gravity separation, centrifugation, filtration, evaporation, and crystallization.


Chemical Methods


Chemical methods involve adding chemical agents to wastewater to induce processes such as coagulation, neutralization, ion exchange, adsorption, or oxidation-reduction. These processes facilitate the separation, transformation, precipitation, or destruction of pollutants' chemical structures.


Biological Methods


Biological methods utilize microorganisms to treat organic matter in wastewater. Microorganisms degrade organic pollutants and convert them into harmless substances. Depending on the types of microorganisms and the target organic pollutants, biological treatment can be aerobic or anaerobic. Common biological methods include activated sludge, biofilm, and anaerobic digestion.


Summary of Basic Wastewater Treatment Methods


Classification Role Methods Treatment Approach
Physical Methods Adjustment   Adjustment
    Gravity Separation Precipitation/removal/degassing
  Separation Centrifugation Centrifuge
    Magnetic Separation Magnetic Separator
  Filtration   Fine Screening/Grating/Sand Filtration
  Thermal Treatment   Crystallization/Evaporation
Chemical Methods Chemical Addition   Coagulation/Neutralization/Oxidation-Reduction/Chemical Precipitation
  Electrolysis   Electrolysis
Biological Methods Biological Treatment Natural Biological Treatment Oxidation Ponds/Wastewater Irrigation
    Artificial Biological Treatment Activated Sludge/Biofilm/Anaerobic Digestion


The design of wastewater treatment units should follow the principle of starting with the simplest methods and progressing to more complex ones. Initially, physical methods such as mechanical means (e.g., screens) are used to remove large pollutants, followed by chemical methods to remove suspended solids, and finally biological methods to address dissolved pollutants that cannot be removed by chemical means.


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