Water-based environmentally friendly anti-slag agent (welding slag inhibitor)_Solution to prevent welding slag adhesion_Germany Bio-CircleE-Weld-Kelly Chemical Electronics Kelly Chemical Electronics
Water-based environmentally friendly anti-slag agent (welding slag inhibitor)_Solution to prevent welding slag adhesion_Germany Bio-CircleE-Weld

Exclusive distributor of German Bio-Circle water-based welding slag inhibitor


Ready-to-use upon spraying, allowing immediate welding, convenient to use. Diverse product series cater to different process requirements.


                           E-Weld 2                       

   Multi-layer welding heat plate type 


                             E-Weld 3                         

            Low-slag rust-resistant type


Customer testimonials:


Automobile exhaust pipe application - After CO2 welding of iron parts, welding slag is difficult to remove at corners and cannot be polished.


Before use (microscopic welding slag cannot be removed)        After use (almost                                                                                                                no welding slag adheres)



Liquid/gas tankers - After CO2 welding of stainless steel, welding slag adheres to the inner wall of the tank, affecting the purity of transported materials.


Before use                                                                    After use

(Welding slag adheres to the tank wall, improper      (Almost no welding slag adheres,

polishing affects stainless steel properties)                surface is clean and smooth)



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