Wastewater treatment example: COD treatment solution for metal manufacturing! How to improve if it slightly exceeds the standard! Features of COD degrader PART 1-Kelly Chemical Electronics Kelly Chemical Electronics
Wastewater treatment example: COD treatment solution for metal manufacturing! How to improve if it slightly exceeds the standard! Features of COD degrader PART 1

COD Degrading Agents: A Reliable Solution for Slight COD Exceedance Without Additional Treatment Units


Application Example: COD Wastewater Treatment in a Metal Manufacturing Plant in Kaohsiung

Wastewater Volume: 12 tons/day

COD Concentration: 300-700 mg/L


Case Explanation: The wastewater generated by this plant mainly comes from the degreasing cleaning stage in the metal manufacturing process, containing various degreasing components, which are also the source of COD in the wastewater. Prior to improvement, polyaluminum chloride (PAC) and polyacrylamide (PAM) were used as the main treatment agents, and most of the COD could be treated through coagulation and precipitation. After treatment, the COD still remained between 100-120, as the discharge standard is 100 mg/L, this treatment method could not consistently meet the standard. Without modifying or adding treatment facilities, the improvement method involved the addition of an adsorption-based COD degrading agent. After two months of analysis and on-site adjustments, the COD in the wastewater could consistently remain below 100 mg/L, resolving the long-standing issue of unstable COD treatment efficiency.


▲ The COD discharged from this metal manufacturing plant has stabilized below the discharge standard.


▲ Kelly Chemical provides customized COD treatment solutions based on wastewater characteristics.


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