Amine curing agent for epoxy, a substitute for 1922A and EC130!!-Kelly Chemical Electronics Kelly Chemical Electronics

Amine curing agent for epoxy, a substitute for 1922A and EC130!!

Are you looking for amine curing agents/promoters with low viscosity for epoxy? You can try 4,7,10-TRIOXATRIDECAN-1,13-DIAMINE!!


Kelly Chemical provides various high-quality epoxy resins and related resins, dispersants, and filler products for various applications. Please feel free to contact us for inquiries and discussions.


4,7,10-TRIOXATRIDECAN-1,13-DIAMINE - is a low viscosity, highly active polyether amine curing agent with CAS NO-[4246-51-9].


A more common name is Diethylene Glycol Bis(3-aminopropyl) Ether.

This material has the following characteristics:


  • Excellent heat impact resistance, particularly significant under low-temperature conditions
  • Excellent adhesion
  • Excellent toughness
  • Good flexibility
  • Light color

Common applications include:


  • Structural adhesives
  • Modification of polysiloxane
  • Coatings
  • Polyurethane
  • Composite materials

We offer high-quality, reasonably priced products, which can serve as alternatives to Ancamine 1922A and Baxxodur EC130. If there is a demand, please contact us for further discussion!


#EpoxyCuringAgent #HighReactivity #LowViscosity #Ancamine1922A #BaxxodurEC130

Kelly Chemical Corporation
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